Authors Posts by CBIA

The California Building Industry Association (CBIA) is a statewide trade association representing thousands of homebuilders, remodelers, subcontractors, architects, engineers, designers, and other industry professionals.


California Building Industry Association
1215 K Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 443-7933
Fax: (916) 443-1960

Michael Castillo
Communications Specialist
(916) 443-7933 ext. 346

CIRB Reveals 2014 Solar Permit Statistics

For the past year, CIRB has been tracking month-by-month photovoltaic (PV) installations and valuations across the state of California. 2014 numbers show the volume of solar permit issuance and city-level calculations of residential and commercial installations

CHF|CIRB Releases July 2014 Housing Statistics

WASHINGTON, D.C. - September 5, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- California’s private building activity is measured by building permits issued and building permit valuation totals

CHF|CIRB Releases April 2014 Housing Statistics

WASHINGTON, D.C. - June 12, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- Statistics for April 2014 have exceeded total housing units from the previous month by 36%. Single-family units produced a 5% increase in month-over-month activity, while increasing annually by 2% from April of 2013. Statewide multi-family housing units increased by 58% since March 2014 and by 43% since last April

CHF|CIRB Releases February 2014 Housing Statistics

WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 1, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- February 2014 housing units have surpassed the January numbers by 14%, though year-over-year total units revealed a 25% decrease since February 2013. Single-family units show a minor decrease in activity, but multi-family housing units experienced significant increases in month-over-month statistics.

CHF|CIRB California Construction Review December 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 3, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- December permits close 2013 at the highest unit volume California has seen all year! Single-family and multi-family housing both experienced month-over-month and year-over-year increases, totaling 10,077 new housing units. Year-to-date totals currently stand at 83,725 units for single-family and multi-family – a 40% increase from 2012. To see where the activity will be in the coming months, order the full California Construction Review December report or request a custom report, prepared to meet your specific data requirements

CBIA Announces 2014 Leadership Team

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 3, 2014 - (RealEstateRama) -- The California Building Industry Association, the voice of housing in California, is pleased to introduce its 2014 Board of Directors’ leadership team. CBIA is particularly fortunate to have such a talented and committed leadership team at the helm heading into this important legislative and election year,

CBIA Announces 2014 Leadership Team

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 14, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- The California Building Industry Association, the voice of housing in California, is pleased to introduce its 2014 Board of Directors’ leadership team. “CBIA is particularly fortunate to have such a talented and committed leadership team at the helm heading into this important legislative and election year,” said CBIA CEO & President Dave Cogdill. “Housing is leading California’s recovery, and these individuals are strongly committed to continuing to see our industry and California continue to thrive.”

CHF|CIRB California Constuction Review November 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 3, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Total single family and multi-family unit numbers were on the rise in November 2013, increasing by 9.8% from October 2013. While single-family units were 22% lower than October, multi-family units show a significant 43% upswing in November. Year to date totals for all units are 73,346, 37% higher than the same time last year

Governor Brown Signs AB 116, Adds Fuel to CA Housing Recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. - July 12, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) --Governor Brown has signed Assembly Bill 116 (Bocanegra) extending for two years 3,500 existing parcel maps representing 400,000 housing units that can now be constructed.

CHF|CIRB January 2013 California Construction Review

WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 17, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- CHF|CIRB recently released the statistical data comprising the California Construction Review (CCR) to subscribers. The new numbers reveal a 1% increase in single family housing units as compared to the previous month, while multi-family permits produced a 25% decrease in relation to December of 2012.

CBIA Bill Moves to Senate: Would Allow Sprinkler Installations by Plumbers

WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 17, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- AB 433 (Gordon) has been approved by the Assembly Floor on a 73-0 vote. Introduced in February, this CBIA-sponsored measure would allow residential fire sprinkler systems in new homes to be installed by licensed plumbers.

CBIA Sponsored 24-Month Map Extension Bill Introduced

January 17, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Earlier this week, Raul Bocanegra (R-Pacoima) introduced a measure that will save CBIA's members millions of dollars and ensure projects critical to the state's housing and economic recovery move forward.

PCBC Announces 2013 Opening Keynote Speaker Bestselling Author Dan Pink

December 17, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- CBIA is pleased to announce bestselling author Dan Pink will be the Opening Keynote Speaker on Thursday, June 6 at PCBC 2013. Dan is the author of several provocative, bestselling books about the changing world of work.

Homeowners Can’t Put the Cart Before the Horse: Notice of Claim Must Come Before...

December 7, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Senate Bill 800, commonly known as the “Right to Repair," became effective January 1, 2003 and establishes a mandatory process prior to the filing of certain types of construction defect claims against homebuilders. This law, codified as Title 7 of the California Civil Code, applies whenever there are defects alleged by a homeowner in new residential construction. The legislative intent of this law is to afford both homeowners and homebuilders the opportunity for quick and fair resolution of claims so that homebuilders can work with their homeowners to ensure that they are content with the construction of their home.

CHF | CIRB – July California Construction Review Released

November 30, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- CHF CIRB released their July 2012 California Construction Review to subscribers last week. The review demonstrates the positive turn in the construction industry has taken over the past year. A few highlights from the report include:

California Housing Starts Dip Across the Board in January, CBIA Announces

SACRAMENTO, CA - February 23, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The state’s homebuilders pulled permits for fewer new single-family and multifamily homes in January when compared to the previous month and when compared to January 2011, the California Building Industry Association announced today.

State’s Housing Affordability Climbs to New Heights in Fourth Quarter, CBIA Announces

SACRAMENTO, CA - February 16, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Housing affordability continued to increase in all but three of the state’s metropolitan areas included in the report and reached the highest statewide level since the California index was developed in 2007, the California Building Industry Association announced today.

California Homebuilding Foundation to Induct Six Industry Leaders into Hall of Fame

SACRAMENTO, CA - February 2, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Six homebuilding leaders will be honored at the California homebuilding industry’s most prestigious event, the California Homebuilding Foundation Hall of Fame Celebration.

It’s Official: 2011 Marks Third-lowest Year on Record for California Housing Production

SACRAMENTO, CA - January 25, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- California saw the third-lowest yearly housing permit total and the worst yearly total on record for single-family units in 2011, the California Building Industry Association announced today.

California Housing Production Continues Rise in November, CBIA Announces

SACRAMENTO, CA - December 22, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- California housing production increased for a fourth consecutive month in November but the state is still on track to end the year with the third-lowest housing starts tally on record, the California Building Industry Association announced today.

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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans