Authors Posts by Sperry Van Ness

Sperry Van Ness

The growth of the Sperry Van Ness organization is a story that originated in 1987 with two entrepreneurs that had a vision to create a commercial real estate system that put the clients’ interests first. They set out with a mission to create unprecedented value for commercial advisors and their clients. In 2001 Sperry Van Ness International Corporation was founded, and through its franchisees and licensees, operates one of the most recognizable commercial real estate brands according to the 2011 Lipsey Survey. The Sperry Van Ness organization includes more than 150 locations in 38 states. With headquarters in Irvine, Calif., the franchise operation’s independent business owners provide brokerage, tenant representation, consultation, asset management, property management, leasing, accelerated marketing and auction services. Sperry Van Ness affiliates represent clients in billions of dollars annually in office, multifamily, retail, industrial, self-storage, hospitality and land transactions.


Phone: 888.311.0605

Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate Advisors attend 2012 SVN National Conference...

SAN DIEGO, CA - May 21, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate Advisors; Brent Miller, CCIM, CPM, Henry Hanna, CCIM, SIOR, John McClellan, CCIM, David Wilk and Managing Director Amy Miller, CPM recently attended the SVN “Get Connected” Spring Conference in San Diego, CA held at the Westin San Diego. The SVN-Miller office received the award for the 6th ranked firm in the country. John McClellan, CCIM was recognized as a top advisor ranking 20th, and Henry Hanna, CCIM, SIOR ranked 22nd in the country. In addition, Henry Hanna received the SVN Ambassador of the Year award.

Sperry Van Ness® / SVN Management, Inc. to Hold Quarterly Broker Forum Event on...

IRVINE, CA - May 16, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Sperry Van Ness® / SVN Management, Inc. has announced its quarterly Broker Forum event to be held on June 6, 2012 at The Pacific Club in Newport Beach, Calif. The free event will have a panel of distinguished experts discussing the topic for which everyone wants to keep current: Social Media, Apps, and Technology for Commercial Real Estate.

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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans