Rep. Peters Challenges ‘Early Dismissal’; Demands Vote to Protect Pregnant Workers
“Far too often pregnant workers are denied simple, minor work adjustments – like receiving assistance with certain strenuous tasks or being transferred short-term to a less physically demanding job – that too often results in them being fired or having to take unpaid leave” Rep. Peters said. “This type of discrimination is unacceptable. Many households rely on women’s wages to pay the mortgage, educate their children, and save for retirement.”
“Instead of sending Congress home for 7 weeks of campaigning, Speaker Boehner should allow a vote on this legislation that stops discrimination against pregnant workers.”
Rep. Peters is a cosponsor of the “Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.” Earlier this year, he hosted two workshops for women and working families in San Diego: one on expanding economic and educational opportunities and a second on the challenges of accessing affordable child-care and finding a work-life balance. Additionally, along with 120 Members of Congress, Congressman Peters filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in the pending Young v. UPS case. The brief encourages the Court to recognize that pregnant workers are entitled to reasonable accommodations to ensure that expecting mothers are not forced out of their jobs.
Background on the Fight Against ‘Early Dismissal’
As part of his fight against Speaker Boehner’s move to dismiss Congress early for a 7-week campaign break, Rep. Peters is highlighting legislative priorities that are awaiting action in Congress and should be addressed before the House adjourns on Friday through mid-November. Over the last week, Congressman Peters focused on several pending pieces of legislation:
The need to pass the “Paycheck Fairness Act” to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work
The need to pass the “Federal Student Loan Refinancing Act” to make college more affordable and reduce the burden of lower student loan debt
The need to pass the “Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act of 2014” to protect women’s access to birth control and their ability to make their own health care decisions
The need to pass the bipartisan “Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act” to ensure that seniors and their families are able to be reimbursed by Medicare for skilled nursing services
The need to pass bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that would expand the economy, secure the border, and reduce the national deficit.