The insurance industry classifies these homes as “repetitive loss properties” because they have two or more flood insurance claims of at least $1,000. The majority of them are located in close proximity to the Malibou Lake area or within the Santa Monica Mountains, where homes may be built close to streambeds or steep hillsides.
Each year, prior to the start of storm season on October 15, LA County Public Works engineers visit “repetitive loss properties” in LA County unincorporated areas to evaluate the mitigation measures implemented by homeowners to reduce their risk of flood damage. When possible, the engineers also meet with individual property owners to discuss these measures. Public Works also provides residents, as well as their neighboring homeowners, with information on mitigating additional flood hazards. The purpose of this annual campaign is to educate the public about managing flood risk before storm season begins. Mitigation measures were developed and published in the County’s Floodplain Management Plan.
Another way of safeguarding homes and businesses against flood damage is investing in a low-cost flood insurance policy. Residents of the County unincorporated areas currently receive a 15 percent discount on flood insurance premiums. For information on how to identify whether you reside within a flood zone, securing low-cost flood insurance, or preparing for a flood, please contact LA County Public Works at (626) 458-4321 or visit
Media Inquiries:
Kerjon Lee, Public Affairs Manager, (626) 458-4348 or kelee (at) dpw.lacounty (dot) gov.