Mayor Faulconer Opens 154 Housing Units for Low-Income Seniors
San Diego – (RealEstateRama) — With the goal of creating more affordable housing opportunities and helping homeless veterans transition off the street, Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer was joined today by Congressman Scott Peters, City Councilmember Todd Gloria, San Diego Housing Commission CEO Richard C. Gentry and other dignitaries for the grand reopening of San Diego Square – a 154-unit affordable housing project for low-income seniors.
The City owns the land and leases it to the San Diego Housing Commission’s (SDHC) nonprofit affiliate, which owns the building and worked with SDHC to rehabilitate it. At Mayor Faulconer’s direction and with the City Council’s approval, the initial $4 million lease payment to the City is being used to help fund the “Housing Our Heroes” campaign – a call to action to provide housing opportunities for 1,000 homeless veterans over the next year.
“The renovation and grand reopening of San Diego Square is a perfect example of how we’re finding new and innovative ways to address San Diego’s housing challenges,” Mayor Faulconer said. “For too many seniors, it’s getting harder and harder to find an affordable place to live. And for too many of our veterans, it’s far too difficult to find a place to rent as they transition to civilian life. This building stands as a monument to how our city is leading the way in finding solutions to both of these issues.”
This is the first major renovation of the San Diego Square Apartments since they were built in 1979. The upgrades included floor-to-ceiling windows, installation of energy-efficient appliances, creation of a new computer lab for residents and other interior and exterior improvements.
The units in San Diego Square are for seniors ages 62 and older with incomes of 60 percent or less than the San Diego area’s median income. Residents receive federal rental assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The units will remain part of San Diego’s affordable housing stock for the next 65 years.
CONTACT: Craig Gustafson at (619) 453-9880 or cgustafson (at) sandiego (dot) gov