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Leading the way...® in California real estate for more than 100 years, the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) is one of the largest state trade organizations in the United States, with nearly 155,000 members dedicated to the advancement of professionalism in real estate. C.A.R. is headquartered in Los Angeles.


Los Angeles - Executive Office:
525 South Virgil Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020-1403
Phone: (213) 739-8200
Fax: (213) 480-7724


Mark Giberson
Phone: (213) 739-8304.

Inglewood Board of REALTORS® offers Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit

LOS ANGELES, CA - September 9, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Real Estate Business Services® (REBS®) today announced that the Inglewood Board of REALTORS® has signed an agreement to provide Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit to its more than 300 REALTOR® and Multiple Listing Service (MLS) members. Inglewood Board of REALTORS® uses Multi Regional Multiple Listings Service (MRMLS) as its multiple listing provider.

Fresno REALTOR® association to put calREDD™ participation on hold

San Francisco, CA - September 2, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco today announced that it has awarded more than $1 million in Access to Housing and Economic Assistance for Development (AHEAD) Program grants to boost economic development and affordable housing projects in Arizona, California, and Nevada

July sales and price report

C.A.R. reports July home sales increased 12 percent, median home price declined 19.6 percent. LOS ANGELES, CA - August 25, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Home sales increased 12 percent in July in California compared with the same period a year ago, while the median price of an existing home declined 19.6 percent, the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) reported today.

Entry-level housing affordability reached 67 percent in Q2 09

C.A.R. reports entry-level housing affordability reached 67 percent in the second quarter of 2009 LOS ANGELES, CA - August 17, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The percentage of households that could afford to buy an entry-level home in California stood at 67 percent in the second quarter of 2009, compared with 49 percent (revised) for the same period a year ago, according to a report released today by the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.).

C.A.R. approves 384 applications for its Mortgage Protection Program for first-time buyers

C.A.R. approves 384 applications for its Mortgage Protection Program for first-time buyers. Association awarded $420,000 Ira Gribin grant to provide additional policies to first-time home buyers. LOS ANGELES, CA - August 4, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- More than 380 first-time home buyers have been approved for the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Housing Affordability Fund (C.A.R.H.A.F.) Mortgage Protection Program (MPP). As of late July, 384 applications have been approved, and an additional 22 applications were in the pipeline awaiting approval.

Inman News integrated with My C.A.R. mobile app

Inman News integrated with My C.A.R. mobile app. LOS ANGELES, CA - August 4, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) and Inman News today announced that Inman News stories will appear as a menu item in My C.A.R, the first native iPhone application for use by a REALTOR® association. The mobile application, available at no charge for members of C.A.R. also features: market data for 21 regions in California, current loan information, highlights from C.A.R’s “Market Matters” newsletter, association resources, the ability to search for license renewal and continuing education courses, hot item news alerts, and links to information that may be of interest to C.A.R. directors

Three additional associations of REALTORS join calREDD

Amador County, Paradise, and Plumas associations of REALTORS® join calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service. LOS ANGELES, CA - August 4, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- calREDD™ today announced that the Paradise Association of REALTORS®, Amador County Association of REALTORS®, and Plumas Association of REALTORS® have joined calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

East Valley AOR offers new member benefit

East Valley Association of REALTORS® Offers Clarus MarketMetrics® as a Member Benefit. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 27, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS®) today announced that the East Valley Association of REALTORS® has signed an agreement to provide Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit to its more than 850 REALTOR® members. East Valley AOR is the ninth REALTOR® association that uses MRMLS as its multiple listing provider to provide Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit.

C.A.R. June sales and price report

C.A.R. reports June home sales increased 20.1 percent, median home price declined 26.4 percent. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 27, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Home sales increased 20.1 percent in June in California compared with the same period a year ago, while the median price of an existing home declined 26.4 percent, the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) reported today.

CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® first state association to offer REALTOR® iPhone application

LOS ANGELES, CA - July 22, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) today announced the launch of My C.A.R, the first native iPhone application for use by a REALTOR® association. This mobile application is available at no charge for members of C.A.R. Designed for the iPhone/iTouch, with a companion version available for BlackBerry® and other Web-enabled mobile devices, My C.A.R. features: market data for 21 regions in California, current loan information, highlights from C.A.R’s “Market Matters” newsletter, association resources, the ability to search for license renewal and continuing education courses, hot item news alerts, and links to information that may be of interest to C.A.R. Directors.

Three associations of REALTORS join calREDD

Three associations of REALTORS® join calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 15, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- calREDD™ today announced that the Mariposa County Board of REALTORS®, Tehama County Association of REALTORS®, and the Yosemite Gateway Association of REALTORS® have joined calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

C.A.R. Chief Economist to kickoff event

Chief Economist Leslie Appleton-Young to kickoff “Gain the Edutizing Edge” in San Francisco on Aug. 4. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 15, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Real Estate Business Services® (REBS®) in conjunction with the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTOR® (C.A.R.) is pleased to announce that C.A.R. Chief Economist Leslie Appleton-Young and a dynamic group of real estate experts will share their knowledge with REALTORS® at a special program “Gain the EDUTIZING Edge: How to build your business by giving today's buyers and sellers what they really value--local market insight!” The program will be held Aug. 4, the day before Inman’s Real Estate Connect in San Francisco at the Palace Hotel.

C.A.R. releases “2009 Survey of CA Home Buyers”

Increased affordability, low mortgage rates motivating home buyers, according to C.A.R.’s “2009 Survey of California Home Buyers”. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 7, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Favorable home prices, record-low interest rates, and the belief that rates will rise in the near future were the primary motivators leading home buyers to purchase in 2009 compared with last year, according to the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®’ (C.A.R.) “2009 Survey of California Home Buyers” released today. Sixty-eight percent of buyers said price decreases motivated them to buy a home, while 39 percent reported low interest rates helped them move to a better location. Twenty-three percent claimed the likelihood that rates will move up as the motivating factor.

Six NorCal AORs offer new member benefit

Clarus MarketMetrics® is available for free to members of six Northern California AORs. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 7, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS®) today announced that more than 15,000 members of six local associations of REALTORS® in Northern California now have access to Clarus MarketMetrics® as a free member benefit. Members of the Coastal Mendocino, Marin, North Bay, Northern Solano County, San Francisco, and Solano associations of REALTORS® join the more than 100,000 California real estate professionals who have member benefit access. Bay Area Real Estate Information Services (BAREIS) and the San Francisco MLS (SFARMLS) are the multiple listing providers to members of the aforementioned local associations.

Two AORs offer Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit

Monterey County and Santa Cruz AORs offer Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit. LOS ANGELES, CA - July 3, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS®) today announced that the Monterey County Association of REALTORS® (MCAR) and Santa Cruz Association of REALTORS® (SCAR) signed agreements to provide Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit to their more than 2,600 REALTOR® members. MCAR and SCAR join three other local associations in the area: Santa Clara County, Silicon Valley and San Mateo County associations of REALTORS®, all of which utilize MLSListings Inc. as their multiple listing service (MLS) provider, in providing Clarus MarketMetrics® as a member benefit. SCAR also is providing Clarus Investor®.

May sales and price report

C.A.R. reports May home sales increased 35.2 percent, median home price declined 30.4 percent. LOS ANGELES, CA - June 26, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Home sales increased 35.2 percent in May in California compared with the same period a year ago, while the median price of an existing home declined 30.4 percent, the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) reported today.

Chico and Oroville REALTOR® associations join calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service

LOS ANGELES, CA - June 23, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — calREDD™ today announced that the Chico Association of REALTORS® and the Oroville Association of REALTORS® have joined calREDD™, the statewide Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Heartland MLS provides new member benefit

Heartland Multiple Listing Service/Kansas City Regional AOR provides Clarus MarketMetrics® as member benefit. LOS ANGELES, CA - June 19, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS) and the Heartland Multiple Listing Service (MLS) today announced that Heartland MLS has signed an agreement to provide its members access to Clarus MarketMetrics®

California REALTOR® Showcase in Sacramento June 3-4

SACRAMENTO, CA - June 3, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Taking place at the Sacramento Convention Center from June 3 - 4, the California REALTOR® Showcase will feature exhibitors highlighting the latest real estate products and services to help REALTORS® stay informed. Presented by the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.), the California REALTOR® Showcase will be open on June 3 from 12 noon to 5 p.m. and on June 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

C.A.R. offers NAR designations via video conferencing

C.A.R. Education’s Face2Face interactive video conferencing program to offer NAR designations. LOS ANGELES, CA - June 01, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Real Estate Business Services® (REBS®) today announced the launch of Face2Face, C.A.R. Education’s new video conferencing program. Face2Face will deliver dynamic, interactive training to REALTORS® at up to four local associations in California simultaneously. The live presentation will be sent via a video feed to the local association in real-time, enabling every member to see and hear the same thing at the same time, for the ultimate learning experience. Students can instantly respond and interact with the instructor through this approach.

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