
65% of city customers have meters installed
21,000 meters installed with last rate adjustment
7,500 meters currently in construction

WASHINGTON, DC – (RealEstateRama) — The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities completed substantial improvements to the City’s water and wastewater systems in the last four years including significant strides in the meter installation program.

With the work completed to date, the City’s water system is now 65 percent metered. Projects include replacing water main pipelines, water distribution pipelines and installing individual meters throughout the city.

If approved, the water rate adjustments proposed for 2017-20 will enable the City to complete all remaining meter installations by 2020, four years ahead of the state mandate. The water metering project is 87 percent of the essential infrastructure upgrades proposed for FY17-20, which are needed to move the City closer to its goal of a more fair, equitable and reliable system.

City of Sacramento Department of Utilities workers review plans.“We want customers to know we’ve done more than what we promised and invested their rates in these critical system improvements,” said Bill Busath, Utilities director. “But we also want them to know there is more work to be done.”

Water meters ensure fair and equitable billing for all customers since billing is based on the amount of water used, instead of a flat rate based on home size. Meters significantly enhance leak detection and improve water conservation by allowing customers to better monitor their water use.

The City Council will consider proposed four-year water and wastewater rate adjustments on March 15.

Customers, stakeholders and interested organizations are encouraged to contact Utilities at (916) 808-5454 and visit YourUtilitiesYourCommunity.com for more information.

Contact: Rhea Serran, City of Sacramento, Department of Utilities, 916-808-5594, RSerran (at) cityofsacramento (dot) org


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