
IDX Broker software utilized to sync thousands of listings to website of San Fransisco...

EUGENE, OR - April 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest real estate professional who has chosen to integrate an IDX solution onto their website and dynamic search page: San Fransisco Bay Realtor Alessandra Imanabadi. As a full time agent, Imanabadi is continuously demonstrating her professionalism and dedication to serving her clients and their every real estate need. Now, her IDX-synced website reflects these mentalities. A member of the East Bayl MLS (MAX/EBRD), Imanabadi can integrate thousands of area listings directly onto her search page efficiently, effectively and effortlessly, suppling home seekers with a unique online real estate search experience daily.

IDX Broker software provides versatile management features to Broker Anthony McNeil of KOATT Realty

EUGENE, OR - March 10, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes Anthony McNeil of KOATT Realty to the growing network of real estate professionals who have chosen to integrate the dynamic IDX Broker software onto their website. Home seekers can now experience an unprecedented level of access to MLSListings, Metrolist Sacramento and MAX/EBRD databases of listings. Thousands of detailed property listings are seamlessly linked to his search page, giving potential buyers the unique ability to narrow the MLS databases on their terms

Realtor Mario Juarez brings easy-to-use online property search to East Bay market with IDX...

EUGENE, OR - February 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to welcome Realtor Mario Juarez to the growing network of real estate professionals using the revolutionary IDX Broker software on their websites. East Bay Regional Data/MAX MLS (MAX/EBRD) listings are now seamlessly integrated onto Juarez's search page, making thousands of detailed property listings instantly available for home seekers and potential clients. With his customized IDX solution, Juarez can host one of the most dynamic and informative real estate websites and searches for East Bay Area, California buyers.

Comprehensive property search made simple with the IDX solution adopted by agent Sylvia Sotomayor

EUGENE, OR - January 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The iPhone enabled IDX Broker software is now also available on the website of Sylvia Sotomayor, thanks to her collaboration with IDX, Inc. Now simpler than ever before, IDX Broker extracts raw listing data from the East Bay Regional Data/MAX MLS (MAX/EBRD) and displays it seamlessly on the website Sotomayor hosts. The once complicated online property search is now simpler than ever, when potential buyers utilize the incredible IDX enabled website Sotomayor manages

Contra Costa County listings displayed with IDX solution on real estate website of local...

EUGENE, OR - September 30, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Dream Homes by Jodi just became one of the easiest places to search for real estate online, thanks to Jodi Marfia and her adoption of a custom IDX solution. The IDX, Inc. premier IDX Broker software syncs thousands of MAX/East Bay Regional Data MLS (MAX/EBRD) listings right to the website of Marfia. This incredible addition gives East Bay Area home seekers the opportunity to scan all area listings at once, from the convenience of one page. Marfia has truly revolutionized the way potential buyers search for California homes online

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