
Public Invited to ‘Help & Hope’ Foreclosure Prevention Assistance & Homebuyer Education Fair on...

August 6, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Long Beach Housing Development Company (LBHDC), together with Councilmember Dee Andrews, 6th District, The Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services (LANHS), and Los Angeles County NeighborWorks Center for Foreclosure Solutions invite the public to the "Help & Hope" Foreclosure Prevention Assistance and Homebuyer Education Fair at Long Beach Polytechnic High School. The free event has the dual purpose to “help” families prevent foreclosure and provide “hope” to families who dream of purchasing a home now that home prices are lower than in previous years. Congresswoman Laura Richardson is expected to attend.

More than 750 Homeowners Benefit from Free Foreclosure Counseling and Mortgage Assistance at Multi-Agency...

September 21, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Homeowners were invited to attend a free, comprehensive Foreclosure Counseling Fair on Saturday, September 12, to learn about foreclosure prevention and homeownership preservation. The event took place at Jordan High School on Atlantic Avenue near Artesia Boulevard in North Long Beach from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Registration began at 9:00 am; however, homeowners started lining up at 7:30 am.

Foreclosure Help is Here…and Coming to Your Neighborhood!

July 30, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Long Beach Housing Development Company is sponsoring a series of free foreclosure workshops all over the City. Taking place in each Council District, the workshop will focus on foreclosure prevention, and will address the foreclosure process, foreclosure loan scams, mortgage refinancing, and loan modification programs. It will be facilitated by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services (LANHS), a HUD-approved housing counseling agency

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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans