
AMF Development Unveils Micro One-Bedroom Units for Southern California

GLENDALE, CA - March 20, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- It’s apparent that the majority of the Gen Y generation – those between 20 and 34 years old – have something in common: they don’t demand a large living space in order to live comfortably. In fact, this demographic is actually reshaping the multifamily development market. One such developer, AMF Development, LLC (AMFD), has unveiled one of the first micro one-bedroom designs specifically targeted for the Gen Y crowd in Southern California that not only offers all the amenities that this demographic wants, but also focuses on the socio-economic factors as well


LOS ANGELES, CA - April 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Charles Dunn Company, one of the largest full-service regional real estate firms in the Western United States, has completed five leases totaling 63,000 square feet of space within two major office buildings in the Tri-City office market. The five leases have an aggregate lease value of approximately $10.2 million.

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