

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement today after President Barack Obama announced new actions and investments to support workers, farmers and rural communities suffering from drought and to combat wildfires, including $18 million for the State of California to provide jobs for workers dislocated by the drought

Brown Orders Mortgage Foreclosure Consultants to Post $100,000 Bond or Face Prosecution

Los Angeles, CA - August 12, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Threatening possible criminal and civil prosecution, Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. today ordered 386 mortgage foreclosure consultants to post $100,000 bonds and register with his office.

Brown Sues Foreclosure Consultant and Attorney Who Conned Homeowners into Paying Thousands for Phony...

Los Angeles, CA - July 8, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. July 6 sued a foreclosure consultant and an attorney -- Paul Noe Jr. and Mitchell Roth - who conned 2,000 desperate homeowners into paying exorbitant fees for "phony lawsuits" to forestall foreclosure proceedings.

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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans