
Legislation would prohibit discrimination against adoptive and foster parents based on sexual orientation, marital status

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, today introduced H.R. 3827, the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act.”  In the same manner that we ended race discrimination in adoption, this legislation would prohibit states and child welfare agencies from denying or delaying adoption or foster care placements solely based on the sexual orientation or marital status of the potential parents.

“It is unacceptable that states are denying children healthy, loving homes simply because of a potential parent’s sexual orientation or marital status,” said Rep. Stark.  “The Every Child Deserves a Family Act ensures that the best interests of children are the only criteria for finding adoptive and foster parents.”

Over 129,000 children are awaiting an adoptive home or permanent placement, and there is a shortage of adoptive and foster parents.  Those who never find a permanent family – about 25,000 a year who “age out” of the system – are more likely than nearly any other group to become homeless, incarcerated, or suffer with mental illness or substance abuse.  Despite this shortage of adoptive and foster parents and the terrible consequences of long stays in the child welfare system, some states have enacted discriminatory bans prohibiting children from being placed with qualified parents due to the parent’s marital status or sexual orientation.

Nearly all mainstream organizations that advocate for children, including the Child Welfare League of America, the American Psychological Association, and the American Bar Association all support adoption and foster parenting by qualified unmarried and gay and lesbian parents.

For Rep. Stark’s floor statement, please visit:

For the bill text, please visit:

CONTACT: Brian Cook, (202) 225-3202


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