
Campbell Introduces Bill to Reduce Commercial Property Insurance Prices

Washington, DC - June 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Representative John Campbell (R-CA) and Representative Peter Welch (D-VT) have introduced H.R. 2126, the Risk Retention Modernization Act to allow risk retention groups (RRGs) and risk purchasing groups (RPGs) to expand their insurance offerings to include commercial property coverage. This legislation would encourage increased competition in premiums and significantly lower the rates consumers, especially small businesses, pay in places where coverage is currently very limited and relatively unaffordable.

Advocates Call on Federal Regulators to Withdraw Consent Decree, Hold Banks Accountable for Illegal...

San Francisco, CA - April 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have drafted consent decrees with the nation’s largest mortgage servicers that would purportedly improve their foreclosure practices. These legal agreements represent an inadequate attempt by regulators to address illegal servicing practices that have caused countless people to lose their homes.

Steve Slepcevic, President of Paramount Disaster. Recovery, Inc.

March 22, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Steve Slepcevic is a founder of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc., presently works as its president and chief executive officer. Mr. Slepcevic has worked as a project builder in the United States and in world wide. He has completed plans for hotels, hospitals, office building, community associations, and apartment building and also for the residential property owners.

Steve Slepcevic – Management Guide and Approach For Business & Industry to Minimize Disaster...

Los Angels, CA - February 18, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Steve Slepcevic, founder of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. is serving as its president and chief executive officer. He has made Paramount a recognized union in the field of disaster emergency and in the field of construction. Steve Slepcevic has completed major projects in USA and worldwide. With the works of disaster he also works as a legal expert. Steve Slepcevic is also a founder of Virtual Evacuation and address about its planning and training. To bring civil engineer in the filed of disaster recovery with interest he made it a work of social services with a lot of money, because in civil engineering its think as a boring thing to save life through safe facility. But after the concept of Virtual Evacuation, leading expert of all the industries attracted by it and providing their services to disaster preparedness.

Steve Slepcevic – Disaster recovery plans help to minimize the disaster’s impact

Los Angeles, CA - January 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Disasters may come anytime,without any notice and without the limit of losses. Steve Slepcevic, founded Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. in 1989.Steve Slepcevic provides solutions to business owners to minimize their property damage and provide recovery needs at the actual time. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. provides its clients with best solution in the emergency situations. The emergency response service is the most comprehensive package of disaster recovery in the industry, specifically designed to safeguard your property by allocating the Emergency Response Strike Force at reaction time. Steve Slepcevic will subject your disaster recovery plan to our thorough testing and training programs

Steve Slepcevic – National Disaster Recovery Strategy to Recovery Efforts after Disasters

December 17, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Steve Slepecvic is the founder and also the CEO of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. which is a disaster recovery company. Steve Slepcevic established Paramount Disaster Recovery in 1989. Steve Slepcevic by his hard work and a deep care for their clients made paramount a very recognized disaster recovery firm not in only US but all over the world. Paramount firm helps their clients to recover or to reconstruct from the disaster

Steve Slepcevic – Things to remember for getting a fair claim from insurance firm

December 1, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc came in existence in 1989. Steve Slepcevic is the CEO and also the President of Paramount Disaster Recovery from last many years. Paramount Disaster Recovery is a recognized leading disaster recovery and reconstruction firm in the US and has various branches across US. Steve Slepcevic provides his disaster recovery services in the whole United States and also internationally. Steve Slepcevic has a well experienced staff, Structural Engineers who have a large experience in rebuilding a damaged property properly; more advance resources, 24 hour available emergency response crew which will be available for you on your single phone call to help you

Steve Slepcevic – Management Guide and Approach For Business & Industry to Minimize Disaster...

November 22, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Paramount Disaster Recovery is a leading nationwide disaster response, reconstruction and recovery company in the USA. Some past’s undesirable and unfortunate conditions were the main reasons for the formation of the Disaster Response Industry. The same factors are responsible for the Insurance companies. Steve Slepcevic was the founder of the Paramount Disaster Response Recovery and also serves as a President and the CEO of Paramount Disaster Recovery. By the diligence that he served to their clients, Steve make the Paramount as a leading and most recognized disaster response and reconstruction company in the United State.

Steve Slepcevic – Better Preparation helps to Fight against Disaster

November 15, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- A disaster is any occurrence of unwanted or undesirable activity causing widespread destruction and distress. So, as it causes a huge destruction we need to recover from the disasters. There were emergencies, disasters and undesirable conditions that make the disaster recovery industry in existence. Now there are many disaster recovery policies or companies. According to scientists who study global warming, these are just a few of the natural disasters predicted in the years ahead. While we may not be able to stop disasters from occurring, disaster recovery expert “Steve Slepcevic” says better preparation will help us survive and recover.

Insurance Commissioner Poizner Announces $50 Million Rate Cut For Northern California AAA Homeowners Insurance...

Rate Cut to Save Bay Area Homeowners More Than $28 Million

SAN FRANCISCO - Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner today announced a 10.6% rate cut for California homeowners, a total savings of $50 million for California State Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau (CSAA-IIB, or AAA of Northern California) customers, including more than $28 million in savings for Bay Area homeowners.

CBIA Sharply Reduces 2008 Housing Forecast

SAN FRANCISCO – California homebuilders are expected to begin construction on just 72,000 homes, condominiums and apartments this year, significantly lower than earlier forecasts. If that level is correct it will be the lowest production in the Golden State since at least the early 1950s, according to the annual midyear housing forecast released today by the California Building Industry Association

California Association of REALTORS, Costello & Sons Insurance to form “Real Estate Risk Services”

LOS ANGELES – The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) and Costello & Sons Insurance (CSI) today announced the creation of Real Estate Risk Services LLC (RERS), a subsidiary of Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS).

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner Reminds Mandatory Fire Evacuees that Insurance May Cover Some Living...

SACRAMENTO ― Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner reminded residents and businesses who have been evacuated from the Summit Fire in Santa Cruz that residents may be eligible for reimbursement for additional living expenses due to a mandatory evacuation and businesses may be eligible for reimbursement due to lost business.

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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans