Yearly Archives: 2015

Hunt Mortgage Group Provides a Bridge Loan for the Acquisition of a Multifamily Property...

Hunt Mortgage Group, a commercial real estate lender, announced today that it has provided a $5.904 million portfolio bridge loan to finance the acquisition of a Patio Village Apartments.

5 California Cities Earn Berth in “Sweet Sixteen” for Solar Power

Five California cities—Los Angeles, San Diego, San José, San Francisco and Sacramento—have  more solar panels than most major cities nationwide, according to a new report by Environment California Research & Policy Center. The solar stature of these cities is owed largely to the clear solar commitment of the city’s leaders as well as streamlined and predictable permitting fees

2nd Installment of Taxes to become delinquent

Amador County Treasurer-Tax Collector Michael E. Ryan is reminding property owners that they have until Friday, April 10, 2015 at 5 p.m., to make the second installment payment of their annual secured property taxes for the 2014-15 fiscal year. This deadline should not be confused with the Income Tax deadline which is several days later

Pelosi Floor Speech in Opposition to the Republican Budget Proposals

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks today on the House floor in opposition to House Republicans’ “Work Harder for Less” budget proposals. Below is a transcript of the Leader’s remarks

Congresswoman Susan Davis Celebrates Naming of New Federal Courthouse Downtown

Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) spoke at the naming ceremony of the new federal courthouse downtown. Davis played a central role in securing construction funding and working with the community on the name for the courthouse. The courthouse will be designated the Judge James M. Carter and Judge Judith N. Keep Federal Courthouse at the Judge John S. Rhoades Federal Judicial Center

California State Parks Seeks Input for the Mount Diablo State Park Roads and Trails...

California State Parks will be hosting two open house meetings to receive comments from the public regarding the Draft Mount Diablo State Park Roads and Trails Management Plan (RTMP). The open house meetings will take place as follows

Chiang Announces Tax Credits to Construct More Than 1,800 New Affordable Housing Units

State Treasurer John Chiang today announced awarding tax credits and tax-exempt bonds to 16 affordable housing projects in 12 counties that will add approximately 1,815 rental units to the housing market. The affordable housing credits, valued at $319 million, provide a 4 percent tax incentive to potential investors who may help to finance the housing developments. The $295 million of tax-exempt bonds awarded will allow affordable housing construction to be financed at below market interest rates. In order to qualify for the credit and bonds, the housing development must remain affordable for a period of no less than 55 years

Average Energy Prices, Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, February 2015

Gasoline prices averaged $2.867 a gallon in the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County area in February 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Regional Commissioner Richard J. Holden noted that area gasoline prices were down 94.5 cents compared to last February when they averaged $3.812 per gallon. Los Angeles area households paid an average of 21.6 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity in February 2015, similar to the 21.5 cents per kWh in February 2014.


Moving swiftly to help communities cope with California's devastating drought and the ongoing effects of climate change, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed emergency legislation - AB 91 and AB 92 - that fast-tracks more than $1 billion in funding for drought relief and critical water infrastructure projects

Apartment Fire at 1086 Stanley Avenue in Long Beach

At 12:05 AM on the morning of March 26th 2015, Long Beach Fire Department units responded to reports of a structure fire at 1086 Stanley Avenue. At 12:07 AM, while on patrol in the vicinity of the reported location, the Long Beach Police Department’s helicopter “FOX” arrived overhead and via radio, gave a verbal confirmation to incoming fire department units that there was in fact, heavy smoke coming out of the building

Metro Approves Mayor Garcetti’s Directive on Affordable Housing & Small Business

The Metro Board today approved Mayor and Metro Chair Eric Garcetti’s motion to launch a multi-million dollar transit-oriented affordable housing and business development fund.

Garamendi Introduces Bipartisan GPS Backup Bill to Safeguard National Security, Economy & Public Safety

Congressman John Garamendi (D-Fairfield, CA), the Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, introduced the bipartisan National Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Resilience and Security Act of 2015, H.R. 1678

Lee & Associates Ontario Hires Retail Investment Specialist

The Ontario office of Lee & Associates, the largest broker-owned commercial real estate firm in the nation, has announced that Jonathan Selznick, a retail investment specialist who focuses on the acquisition and disposition of shopping centers in Southern California, has joined its office in Ontario

CalHFA Awarded $450,000 to Provide Counseling for Struggling Homeowners Provides assistance to California homeowners...

The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) today announced that it will receive more than $450,000 in additional federal dollars to provide free counseling to homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosure

Property Tax Delinquent if Not Paid By April 10

The Yolo County Tax Collector’s Office reminds taxpayers who own property in Yolo County that the second installment of 2014-15 Secured Property Tax, due February 1, 2015, will be delinquent if not paid by April 10, 2015

Rep. Susan Davis Opposes the House Majority’s Misguided Budget Proposal

Congresswoman Susan Davis (CA-53) opposed the House Majority’s partisan budget proposal that would hurt middle- and low-income families and put the American Dream further out of reach. The budget proposal approved by the House on a strictly party-line vote contains dramatic cuts in education, infrastructure and medical research.

Mayor Lee & Supervisors Introduce Financing Milestone to Revitalize & Rebuild City’s Public Housing

Mayor Edwin M. Lee with nine sponsoring members of the Board of Supervisors introduced a package of resolutions for financing Phase 1 of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) partnership with U.S Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA). The RAD partnership is one of the first-in-the-nation that will allow San Francisco to leverage approximately $180 million in investor equity and other new resources to rehabilitate up to 4,584 public housing units.

Homeless Man Charged With Biting Off Coffee Shop Owner’s Fingertip

A 31-year-old transient was charged today with biting off the fingertip of the owner of a Venice coffee house, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.

NAI Capital Represents Buyer and Seller in Sale of 153,984 SF Distribution Building in...

The Industrial Brokerage Team of David Young, SIOR and Chad Gahr, SIOR both Senior Vice Presidents with NAI Capital’s Encino office represented the Seller “9401 De Soto LLC”, and the Buyer “Rexford Industrial Realty, L.P.” in the sale of an 153,984 square foot distribution building located at 9401 De Soto Avenue, Chatsworth, CA. The building was the former corporate headquarters, manufacturing and distribution center for Topco Sales.

WELL Building Standard Introduced in China

Building Certification Institute (GBCI) and the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) formally introduced the WELL Building Standard in China. WELL is a system that focuses on human health and wellbeing in the built environment.

Popular Government & Nonprofit Press Releases

Recent Government & Nonprofit Press Releases

Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Attack on Clean Water

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte), issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced a new proposal—claiming it to be pro-industry—which would weaken federal clean water rules, putting at risk the health and safety of millions of Americans