“Being prepared before an emergency is extremely important,” Mayor Bob Foster said. “Having an Emergency Preparedness Kit for your home and work is essential for keeping you and your family safe when disaster strikes.”
You can buy prepackaged kits or you can assemble your own kit, with the following items:
Include family documents you will need during and after an emergency. Copy important documents to a flash drive and store the flash drive in a secure location near your emergency supply kit.
- Identification: Driver’s licenses, birth certificates, passports, social security cards & bank account information
- Insurance, loan documents, wills & trusts, etc.
- A list of family members and their contact information (home, cell, work, address)
- Copy of medical information, providers, prescriptions, etc.
- Photo inventory of your home, cars, and large value assets
Medical Supplies
- Medical provider information
- Medications with usage instructions
- At least a seven-day supply of prescribed medicines and, if possible, copies of prescriptions
- If medications require refrigeration or special handling, make special plans (e.g., cold packs, ice cooler, mini refrigerator)
First Aid Kit
- Bandages, gauze, wipes, rubber gloves
- Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide
- Battery, solar powered or hand-crank AM/FM radio
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Assorted wrenches in various sizes
Survival Items
- Cash – at least $100-200 per person in small denominations
- Two complete sets of clothing and shoes per person
- Blankets or sleeping bags for each person
- Extra set of house and car keys
- Personal Hygiene Supplies – Soap, toilet paper, toothbrush & paste and plastic bags
- Feminine Hygiene Supplies
Water and Food
- Water – 1 gallon per person per day including infants and children (a week’s supply labeled with expiration date)
- Food – Non-perishable food that does not require refrigeration, preparation/cooking, and little or no water. Remember a manual can opener and cooking equipment.
Special Needs – Children, Pets, Seniors, Functional Needs, etc.
- For Babies/Young Children – Formula and bottles, diapers, sanitary supplies, hygiene items, medications, comfort items (toy or book), car seat, etc.
- For Pets – Identification tags, vaccination records, extra food and water, clean up supplies, medicine, transport case, toy, leash, bedding, etc.
If a person in your family has a disability, an impairment or limited mobility, make sure your emergency kit includes items specific to your needs and have a list of the following:
- Special diet items, sanitary supplies, hygiene items, medications, etc.
- Adaptive or supportive equipment
- Instructions for operating special equipment
- People who require power for medical or other assistive devices should consider how they will maintain the use of these devices if there is a loss of power. Keep extra batteries for small devices (i.e. hearing aids, monitors, or C-PAP equipment) and consider obtaining and learning how to use a generator for home use and carrying a charger when away from home, especially when loss of power may jeopardize health or safety.
Be Prepared at Work
- Understand your Company’s Earthquake and Evacuation Plan.
- Participate in all fire and evacuation drills.
- Find where your safe refuge area is located. This is the place where you are to meet if your building is evacuated.
- Put an emergency kit together and keep it with you at work. For suggestions on what to include go to or
- Register for nixle, Reverse 911, e-notify, or social media – Long Beach will use these resources to share emergency information
- Join and become a friend of the City of Long Beach.
- Register yourself on the Safe and Well website which is a service provided by the American Red Cross. Through this site, you can post messages to your family and they will know that you are safe and well.
Here are a few phone numbers you may need after an earthquake:
City of Long Beach Emergency Phone Numbers:
Emergencies Dial 911
- Gas Department: 562.570.2140
- Water and Sewer: 562.570.2390
- Public Works: 562.570.2700
- Police Non-Emergency: 562.435.6711
- Fire Non-Emergency: 562.570.9400
If you would like to have additional information on this or other emergency preparedness topics, please visit the City’s website for assistance.
Contact :
David Ashman, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications 562.570.9250
David.Ashman (at) longbeach (dot) gov