Capps Announces Grant Awards for Housing Authorities in Santa Barbara County
The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara received $667,342, while the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara (HACSB) received $814,399.
The Capital Fund provides support annually to public housing agencies for capital and management activities, including modernization and development of public housing. The fund also allows agencies to use the grants for financing housing developments, which include public housing.
We must continue to support the Housing Authority with its critical work to help low income families find housing,” Capps said. “These grants will allow the Housing Authority to develop more public housing options, offering more struggling families a chance to succeed.”
The $814,399 received by the HACSB will mainly be used to replace water heaters at two of HACSB’s oldest public housing sites.
The rents received from the public housing tenants along with the annual public housing operating subsidy provided by HUD do not provide sufficient funds to generate replacement reserves for the HACSB owned public housing units,” said Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara Executive Director Frederick C. Lamont. “The Public Housing Capital Grant funds from HUD are essential for the HACSB to be able to effectively maintain its public housing units for the long term, which in the case of Evans Park and Guadalupe Ranch Acres, it has been able to do for many decades.”
The majority of the $667,342 received by the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara will be spent on renovations and needed repairs of their public housing units.
We are grateful to be receiving this very needed funding to help address the growing capital needs of this aging and very important public asset—affordable rental housing for low income seniors, disabled folks and families,” said Rob Pearson, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara.